For a given function defined on a closed interval, let’s try to find the area that its graph traps above the axis minus the area it traps below the axis. For example, if we plot \(f(x)=x\) on \(-1 \le x \le 2\) we get
Notice that this graph traps some area above the axis (in a triangle with legs of length 2 and 2 over \(0 \le x \le 2\)) and some area below the axis (in a triangle with legs of length 1 and 1 over \(-1 \le x \le 0\)). Do you see them? Here, let’s highlight them.
If we subtract the area below from the area above we get \(2 - 0.5 = 1.5\text{.}\) Of course, that is a case where we have well established formulas for calculating areas (triangles in this case). What if the graph produces shapes for which we do *not* have familiar geometric formulas. Consider, for example, \(f(x)=x^2-1\) on the interval \(0 \le x \le 2\text{.}\)
Now what? That’s the area problem. Namely, find a way to compute area trapped above the axis minus the area trapped below the axis for a given function. This area trapped above minus area trapped below needs some notation and language. So....
Definition5.1.1.Definition of Integral.
For a function \(f\) definied on a closed interval \([a,b]\) that produces familiar geometric shapes whose areas we know, we denote the area trapped above the axis minus the area trapped below the axis by